General introduction chapter provides an introduces the key concepts related to history of automatic control systems, terminology and definition, concept of systems, dynamic behavior, static behavior, static systems, dynamic systems, linear systems, introductory examples, open loop systems and closed loop systems with performance of servo systems. Systems modeling chapter focuses on the representation of systems by their differential equations, Laplace transform, the differential equation to the transfer function, functional blocks and subsystems, rules of simplification, representation of dynamical systems by fluence graphs, Mason's rule, calculation of transfer functions of looped systems. Temporal responses of linear systems chapter: in this chapter, the focus is on the definition of the response of a system, transient regime, permanent regime, notions of stability, static speed and accuracy impulse response (1st and 2nd order). temporal characteristics. step response (1st and 2nd order), identification of first and second order systems at from the time response. Frequency responses of linear systems chapter provides a definition of frequency responses of linear systems, Bode and Nyquist diagram, Frequency characteristics of systems basic dynamics (1st and 2nd order), phase and gain margins. Stability and Accuracy of Servo Systems chapter provides a definition of conditions of stability, algebraic criterion of Routh-Herwitz, Criteria of the reverse in the Nyquist and Bode plans, Stability margins, accuracy of servo systems, static accuracy, calculation of the static difference, dynamic precision.