In this course handout, we present the subject entitled Perturbations of dierential
equations, which I taught to second year master's students in fundamental mathematics,
at Echahid Hamma Lakhdar University - El-Oued. With this modest contribution, my goal
is to provide course support that will, I hope, be benecial not only to our master's students,
but also to others whose theory of dierential equations interests them.
This module consists of ve chapters. The rst is an introductory chapter on the theory
of disturbance and all the notions relating to it. The second is devoted to two types of
regular and singular disturbances. The third is on the Lindstedt-Poincaré method, and its
applications. In the fourth chapter another method is presented, that of the average known
as "averaging method". The last one is on the Hopf Bifurcation.
Ce texte représente le cours de topologie dispensé en deuxième Master ( semestre
III) de Mathématiques fondamentales à El-oued, pendant l’année universitaire
- Enseignant: Hadj Ammar Tedjani