the course is adopted for first year public policy students. It tries to clarify some concepts and theories on public policy. Students will develop a unique understanding of the complex challenges of public policy, Economics and civil society across core discipline perspectives including economics, public administration, and political science. This will be offer the main tools to know how to understand the world’s most public policy making actors and challenges . 

Judicial Law / First Year Master / Semester 1

Law Department

Academic Year: 2023/2024

Module: Legal English Terminology

Teacher: Djamal Djedid

Email Address:

Target group: 1st Year Master Students / semester 1

Specialty: Judicial Law

Learning system: Lecture

Weekly hours: 1.30

Credits: 2

Coefficient: 1

Assessment: Exam 100%

Crime and Security / First Year Master / Semester 1

Law Department

Academic Year: 2023/2024

Module: Legal English Terminology

Teacher: Djamal Djedid

Email Address:

Target group: 1st Year Master Students / semester 1

Specialty: Criminal Law ( Crime and security )

Learning system: - Lecture - Activities ( Writing up reports – TestsDiscussions via forum)

Weekly hours: 1.30

Credits: 1

Coefficient: 1

Assessment: 75% Exam & 25% Continuous Evaluation (i.e: CC)

 فضاء مادة اللغة الإنجليزية الموجهة لطلبة السنة الأولى ماستر تخصصي القانون العقاري و قانون الأعمال

This English language course for first-year Master's students in Real Estate Law and Business Law.