Objectives of the Teaching:

-Study of various modes of transfer: conduction, convection, and radiation.

-Application of laws governing these different types of transfer.


Recommended Prerequisite Knowledge:


Thermodynamics, Differential Equations.


Content of the Course:


Chapter 1: General Introduction (1 week)

General Introduction to Various Heat Transfer Modes.


Chapter 2: Heat Transfer by Conduction: Fourier's Law Case: (6 weeks)

• Plane wall,

• Composite walls,

• Cylindrical layer,

• Composite cylindrical layers (electrical analogy, overall resistance);

• Insulation of cylindrical layers (critical insulation thickness);

• Insulation of spherical layers.

• General equation of conduction,

• Fins problems.


Chapter 3: Heat Transfer by Convection: (5 weeks)

• Definitions;

• Coefficient of heat transfer by convection,

• Dimensional analysis,

• Empirical correlations (natural and forced convection),

• Calculation of heat flux in natural convection;

• Calculation of heat flux in forced convection.


Chapter 4:

Heat Transfer by Radiation: (3 weeks)

• Radiation laws;

• Lambert's law;

• Kirchhoff's law;

• Blackbody radiation;

• Non-blackbody radiation;

• Mutual radiation between multiple surfaces (heat exchange by radiation between black and gray surfaces).


Mode of Assessment:

The assessment for this course is divided as follows:


·         Continuous assessment: 40% of the final grade

·         Final examination: 60% of the final grade